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Hyer Elementary Bike Rodeo and safety week. The Hyer students spent last week learning about Bike Safety.  Each student grades 1st-4th, had the chance to  have the tires and brakes checked on their bikes, and once they were in tip top safety condition, the students were able to ride a Bike Coarse.  After the Bike Rodeo, the families all enjoyed a picnic and bake sale. What a fun way to end the week of Bike Safety!! Thank you to Bicycles Plus for donating a bike and for sending employees to help with the bike checks. Thank you also to Tatum Brown Custom Homes, and Chad Barrett of Allie Beth Allman for sponsoring the 2015 Bike Rodeo!

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Hyer Elementary had a wonderful start to the new year! Thank you to all the teachers and staff for making Hyer The Best and The Brightest!

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The 2014-15 Hyer 4th Grade Class presented MIS Principal, Dr. Laurie Hitzelberger, a check for $7000. this past Friday.  Each year the 4th grade class presents a gift back to Hyer.  It was decided last spring that in light of all the generous gifts Hyer already receives from their successful PTA fundraising efforts,  that the Hyer 4th grade would use the money they raised to pay it forward.  This gift will go towards purchasing new iPads and Chromebooks for the classrooms at MIS.  

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Fort Worth Children's Opera

HP Arts is a non-profit corporation organized to provide support for the Arts program of Highland Park.  Through a grant from La Fiesta de las Seis Banderas, as well as parent donations; HP Arts strives to empower teachers in their efforts to enrich the HPISD students' educational experience with programs that encourage their interest and participation in the Arts. 


Wednesday, February 11th, HP Arts and Adrienne Conklin introduced our 2nd and 3rd graders to the Fort Worth Children's Opera in the performance of The Ugly Duckling.  This opera is based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen and composed by Andrew Duncan.  The Ugly Duckling promotes reading, working together, and accepting differences in other people while exposing the students to the artistic medium of Opera. 


Thursday, February 12th, HP Arts and Adrienne Conklin introduced our 4th graders to Shakespeare Dallas: Oh This Learning, What a Thing It Is!  This production focuses on the language of Shakespeare with period costumes, beautiful scenery panels and audience participation.  A great way to meet Shakespeare!

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All School Celebration for READ ON HYER!

Hyer Elementary wrapped up it's new fall fundraiser, Read On Hyer! The program was created and operated by the Hyer PTA, and involved students obtaining pledges for reading time. Read On Hyer was strongly supported by the Hyer community: overall, 95% of the students participated and collectively read over 8,200 hours! The top VIP readers were honored with a donut breakfast this morning and there was an All School Celebration in the gym today, Friday, November 21. We are SO proud of our Husky readers!

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Hyer Moms spent the night relaxing, unwinding and playing some Bingo this past Thursday night.   Hyer Dads and D.J. Andre were on hand to help keep the festivities rockin'.  Winners received some fabulous prizes. Best of all, all the money raised from the event went to support Robert S. Hyer Elementary.  Bingo!

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Sunny Sliger, Hyer's Art teacher and Co- Collaborator of was recently invited to do a TED talk at SMU. "Sunny Sliger & Marianne Newsom co founders and co-collaborators of Dallas based The Color Condition were one of the feature presenters at this years TEDxSMU. In it's 6th year, the TEDxSMU, was a day-long event dedicated to ideas worth spreading. “Strangely Familiar” was the theme for this year’s conversations and the speakers and performers took the audience on an adventure into the unknown. Topics ranged from the strange meets the familiar; familiar subjects will be viewed with a different lens and strange ideas will be made relatable."

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Robert S. Hyer is holding it's annual Book Fair this week, October 27-October 30,  in the Hyer school library.  The Book Fair will be open 7:30a.m. - 4:00 p.m.   It's the perfect time to buy some great books for your student to read for the new 'Read on HYER' fundraising event or to start early on your holiday shopping!  Whatever your motivation, all your children's favorite stories will be there.  So.. Don't miss out!!!



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Read On Hyer is a new fundraising event this year. The program was conceptualized and created by the Hyer PTA with two goals in mind: fostering a love of reading in our children, and raising important funds for the school. 

It begins next week.  First students get... Pledges! Monday, October 27th to Monday, November 3rd   and then students…..Read! Saturday, November 1st to Friday, November 14th

The Read On Hyer committee: Meredith Clavenna, Katy Annett, Katherine Lewis, Michelene Galbraith and Holly Krug created this event all on their own. So, Instead of paying a large percentage of Hyer's hard earned proceeds to a fundraising company, Read on HYER allows most of the fundraising dollars to stay at Hyer.   

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This past Saturday, October 18th, Hyer held their annual Carnival.  The Carnival is a well honored PTA planned tradition at Hyer.  It's a great time for families to come together, have some fun and raise some money for their school.  Both former students, current students, friends and family showed up to support this spectacular event.  It was definitely the “Coolest" event of the weekend.