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University Park Police Vehicle (Photo courtesy of Jake Farris.)

Recently, there has been an increase in the amount of third-row seat thefts from SUVs throughout the City of University Park, which is where Southern Methodist University is located, so the local police department has issued a statement about the situation and offered some helpful tips about how to keep vehicles protected.

Here is a news release from Lita Snellgrove, the public information officer for the UP Police Department, about the situation:

"There has been an increase in the theft of third-row seats in full size SUVs. The thieves are targeting Chevrolets, GMC and Escalades. The seats are being sold on Ebay, Craigslist, and at swap meets. The seats can be easily removed so here are a few preventive tips:

  • Secure the third row seat with a cable lock.  Locks can be cut but this is a layer of protection to slow the thief down.
  • Store the seat if not being used.
  • Park your vehicle in your garage.
  • Etch your VIN (vehicle Identification number) on the seat. The police department has an electric engraver available for residents to use.

Report any suspicious activity to the University Park Police Department at (214) 363-3000 or call 911 for an emergency."