Meadows School of the Arts
Meadows Wind Ensemble: The ink’s still wet!



Central Standard Time



Caruth Auditorium
Owen Arts Center, 6101 Bishop Blvd. on SMU campus
Dallas, Texas 75205

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$17 for adults; $13 for seniors; $11 for students, faculty and staff

The MWE’s annual Wet Ink show has not only become a Meadows tradition, it is without a doubt one of the most popular programs of any given season, featuring works by current and former Meadows student composers. This year’s program will include the World Premiere of a wind symphony by superstar composer-conductor Quinn Mason, a work written for and dedicated to the MWE, as well as premieres of works by Nicolas Farmer, Max Whitaker, Theo Morris, and Brent Sawyer. We can’t encourage you enough to support this extraordinarily talented lineup of young composers!

To purchase tickets online, please visit For more information call 214-768-2787. The performance will be both in-person and livestreamed. To register to watch online, visit