Meadows School of the Arts
Meadows Wind Ensemble: A Kaleidoscope of Couleurs



Central Standard Time



Caruth Auditorium
6101 Bishop Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75205

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Meadows Wind Ensemble: A Kaleidoscope of Couleurs… 

2:30 p.m. 

Caruth Auditorium / Owen Arts Center 

$17 for adults; $13 for seniors; $11 for students, faculty and staff 


No one should miss the MWE’s exploration of colors, a program that will engage woodwind, brass, string and percussion textures to the max! The program will feature one of the Ensemble’s signature works, Olivier Messiaen’s Couleurs de la cite celeste, and will also include the world premiere of Meadows alumnus and former MWE Graduate Conducting Assistant Jared Beu’s Orion, which draws its name from the prominent constellation known for its two extraordinarily colorful stars – the blue-white Rigel (Beta Orionis) and the red Betelguese (Alpha Orionis). The program will close with the haunting Mountains and Rivers Without End by Alan Hovhaness. 

To purchase tickets online, please visit For more information call 214-768-2787. 


The performance will be both in-person and livestreamed. To register to watch online, visit