Meadows School of the Arts
Distinguished Music Series: Easter Week Concert



Central Standard Time



Caruth Auditorium
Owen Arts Center, 6101 Bishop Blvd. on SMU campus
Dallas, Texas 75205

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The performance will be both in-person and livestreamed; to register to watch online, visit

$14 for adults, $11 for seniors, $8 for students, faculty & staff

Comprising an introduction, seven slow movements corresponding to the seven words, and a musical depiction of the earthquake following the crucifixion, Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ for string quartet serves as a powerfully expressive meditation on the gravity of tragedy, as well as on the possibilities of hope and redemption. Honored guests Colonel Allen West and violinist Ayke Agus join Director of Chamber Music Aaron Boyd in this performance of Haydn’s profound masterwork, with readings from scripture before each of the slow movements. To buy tickets, visit For more information, call 214.768.2787.

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