Meadows School of the Arts
Alumni Organ Concert: Fisk Op. 101 30th Anni.



Central Standard Time



Caruth Auditorium - Owen Arts Center
6101 Bishop Boulevard
Dallas, Texas 75205

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Sunday, October 1

Alumni Organ Concert: Fisk Op. 101 30th Anniversary

4:00 p.m.

Caruth Auditorium / Owen Arts Center

$17 for adults; $13 for seniors; $11 for students, faculty and staff


This concert event will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fisk organ and will be performed by SMU Meadows alumni from around the country who studied with the late Dr. Robert T. Anderson, a leading advocate of the Fisk organ. Michael Barone, host of Pipedreams, the syndicated radio program dedicated to the organ, will emcee the afternoon’s festivities. Including presentations of books, recordings, and compositions, this event will also feature an exhibition of pictures from the SMU archive, not only documenting Dr. Anderson’s tenure at SMU, but also relating to the history of the organ department at SMU and its influence on the regional organ culture for over a century. Benjamin Kolodziej’s new book, Music from the Hilltop: Organs and Organists at SMU, published by UNT Press, will be released this evening, as will be the new J.S. Bach recordings by Stefan Engels.  


To purchase tickets online, please visit For more information call 214-768-2787.


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