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In early August, the Princeton Review released their latest rankings of hundreds of colleges in the nation based on dozens of categories. SMU was ranked in several of those categories; most noticeably, the university was ranked among the 20 most LGBT-unfriendly college campuses in the nation. However, Campus Pride gave SMU 4 out of 5 stars for its LGBT-atmosphere, which is on the opposite side of the spectrum from the Princeton Review.

According to its website, "Campus Pride represents the only national nonprofit organization for student leaders and campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBT students. [...] The primary objective of Campus Pride is to develop necessary resources, programs and services to support LGBT and ally students on college campuses across the United States."

In the Princeton Review ranking, SMU was ranked the 12th-most LGBT-unfriendly college campus. However, several SMU officials disagreed with the ranking. Karen Click, director of SMU's Women's Center, was one of those that was outspoken.

"We don't feel this accurately reflects the climate on campus," Click said in an interview with The Dallas Observer. "There are a lot of policies, budgetary initiatives and programmatic initiatives at SMU that do support the LGBT community in way that most universities do not. To see us ranked this way is a little bit frustrating."

Campus Pride has several factors which led to them giving SMU the four-star ranking. While SMU ranked lower on LGBT Housing and Residence Life, the university did get five stars for LGBT Student Life and 4.5 stars for LGBT Support and Institutional Commitment. On its report card, SMU did well in Student Life and Campus Safety but still needs to improve on its Recruitment and Retention Efforts.

What are your thoughts on the discrepancies between the two rankings? Is SMU an LGBT-friendly or -unfriendly campus? Or is it somewhere in between?

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