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"Gazing West" is the combined artistic talents of Dena Hill, James Loveless, Jr., and Edgar Sotelo who embrace the "old west' in their paintings. Each shares their vision of the Cowboys and Indians era and what life must have been like on the open range.

“Honesty and respect are qualities that are so important in the code of honor that the true cowboys and charros uphold.” Edgar Sotelo is diligent about his paintings, that they be only true to life scenes.” Following in the talented footsteps of his great-grandfather, grandfather and father, Edgar began with pencil drawing and has graduated to oil painting. He attends annual workshops by the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America, and goes to west Texas ranches for the spring and fall roundups. “He believes in experiencing what he paints. He does this by attending charreadas in Texas and visiting Texas ranches that allow him to ride along and observe, record, and therefore preserve, the cowboy/charro way of life. Having first-hand experience of this vanishing culture shows in the paintings that Edgar shares with those who want to learn and appreciate the Cowboy’s way of life.

Having a career in makeup artistry, Dena Hill grew to love watercolor and oil painting. Growing up in Fort Worth from birth, and remaining here through her adult years, Dena began her drawing and painting career in 2001. Her Texas roots have bread a love for western art subjects. She has studied under watercolor artists, Soon Warren and Ted Nuttall, and oil painters Irma Ward, Anna Rose Bain, Mahto Hogue and Gini Bosco, most recently with renowned artist, Michelle Dunaway.

Encouragement by his mother to enter art courses and contests, James Loveless was taught by Archie Simmons, a dynamic portrait artist. James was taught discipline and good perspective, shading and observation. He loves to create things with his hands. James opened an art and portrait studio in one of the largest malls in Saint Louis, Missouri where he and his wife worked side-by-side along with their five college-aged kids. “He is working with the Texas Civil War Museum to develop a body of oil paintings that reflect his grandfather’s influence as a cowboy and rancher. His themes portray rich Christian history and life in the old west.”

Join the Keller Public Arts Board at "An Evening with the Artists" on Thursday, February 11, 2016 from 7 to 9 PM. Along with meeting the artists and sharing their stories, there will be re-inactors from the Stockyards dressed in period attire, and Bar-b-Q to feast upon. Can't be there for the reception, visit Keller Town Hall, 1100 Bear Creek Parkway, Keller TX 76248, between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday, February 1 to the 24th. For more information contact (817) 743-4000; or visit our website,

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